Cross-posted from
Energy Trends Insider
Thanks to
Tesla's new battery packs, can we not only stop building more hydro electric dams, but remove the existing ones to
save what remains of the last river ecosystems,
restore the world's salmon runs? Unfortunately, the answer is no. My
sarcastic title was inspired by an article written by Jeff McMahon for
Forbes titled:
Did Tesla Just Kill Nuclear Power?
The inanity of debating the displacement of nuclear energy (which
provided 63% of our low carbon electrical energy last year)
instead of coal with wind and solar ...boggles the mind.
Tesla's new packs
come in three flavors ...and many attractive colors. The 7kWh pack for
solar panel storage can purportedly be charged 5000 times. The 10kWh
pack meant for emergency use can be charged 1000-1500 times.
These are both called PowerWalls. There is also a 100kWh, $250/kWh,
industrial version called the PowerPack.
Being able to buy retail,
what is essentially a giant power tool battery pack, is a first. What
use they will be put to, only the market can tell. Whether or not Musk
can create a market for them, only time will tell.
An acquaintance
of mine asked what makes Tesla's new batteries so great and was
surprised to learn that Tesla does not make batteries. They assemble
Panasonic (or batteries from one of the other battery manufacturers in
Japan, Korea, or China) into packs with battery management circuitry to
control charging and discharging, very much like the power tool battery
packs found at Home Depot ...writ large.
He then asked why they
are so much cheaper than any other battery pack and was surprised to
hear that they aren't. The battery pack in the Nissan Leaf sells for
about 34 and 64 percent less
4) per kWh than the 7 kWh and 10 kWh PowerWalls respectively.
I told my neighbor that it would cost me well over a million dollars to
use Tesla's packs to go off grid he didn't know what to believe, and I
don't blame him. You'll see why later.
Below I parse transcripts of Elon Musk's
PowerWall presentation.
Like most things in this world, reality is a matter of degree. Rather
than rate Musk's comments as true or false (a step function), I will
give each one a
(conformity with truth or fact, accuracy) score. I'll calculate the
average score at the end of the post. For example, a typical politician
may average a veracity score of about 3 out of 10 any time his or her
lips move, a televangelist, maybe a 2 out of 10. A score of zero
indicates not a grain of truth to be had. A score of 10 would indicate a
cold, hard, fact. They are of course, arbitrary, so feel free to make
up your own.
if you look back against that wall you'll see a whole bunch of them as
well in different colors so you can pick your favorite color, and it
looks like a beautiful sculpture on the wall."
Veracity score = 8 out of 10.
$71,000 Tesla Mosel S sedan
is, by dint of its price, a coveted status symbol. Few, if any, of the
individuals who signed up for a Tesla PowerWall to hang on their wall,
have a need or use for it, other than as a status symbol by proxy. I
gave this remark an eight because beauty (as well as its close cousin,
status) is in the eye of the beholder. To me, the PowerWall looks like
what it is; a shiny plastic cover over a pack of Panasonic batteries
that are about as practical in an American home as a bowling trophy.
I'll explain why, later.
"You can actually go, if you
want, completely off grid. You can take your solar panels, charge the
battery packs and that's all you use. So it gives you safety, security,
and it gives you a complete and affordable solution. And the cost of
this is $3,500 (wild applause) ... So, this is a good solution for homes and perhaps for some small commercial applications."
Veracity score = 1 out of 10.
is where Tesla devotees will begin twisting the definition of
"completely off grid" and possibly "affordable." But, assuming we mean
"disconnect the two wires coming to your house" consider that it would
take about twelve of these packs, worth about 12 x $3,000 = $36,000
(sans loan interest, cost of solar system, and subsidy) just to back up a
solar powered average American home for three consecutive rainy days.
And because all of your neighbors are also being rained on, the grid and
all of its power plants have to be there ready to supply everyone if
there are four consecutive rainy days.
can't disconnect from the grid without risking running out of power and
somebody has to pay to maintain that grid. It would take well over a
million dollars worth of Tesla's battery packs (in addition to tens of
thousands of dollars worth of solar panels) for me to replace the power
flows that I currently receive from those two wires attached to my
house. That's because solar panels on my roof can't generate enough
power for my house for half of the year and I would need enough
batteries to store six months worth of short fall. See the spreadsheet
After seeing the results of my above spreadsheet, I went looking on the internet for corroboration and found it
His calculations showed a $780,000 cost at my latitude for a roof with
optimal inclination big enough to hold the necessary solar panels. See
also Footnote 6.
One problem with solar is that there is no "one
size fits all" solution. Location, total electricity consumption, how
much is used at what times of day (home load profile), the orientation,
size, and shape of roof, are different for just about every house.
I live in a modest sized home by American standards, at approximately 50 degrees latitude and consume
roughly the American average
amount of electricity annually. Even though I own an electric car, our
electric bill is slightly lower than the American average.
already is a system that uses the battery pack in the Leaf for the same
purposes as the PowerWall. I wrote about it three years ago. Read:
First Vehicle to Home Power System in North America.
Leaf system provides a large DC to AC inverter needed to use the
batteries to power your home, as well as the ability to charge the car
from either solar panels or the grid, and of course, instead of buying
extra batteries, you use the ones you already have in your Leaf.
with 160 million PowerPacks you can transition the United States [to
use solar with Tesla battery packs for all electricity generation]."
Veracity score = 1 out of 10.
Holy cow. 160 million PowerPacks is
one for every other American. At
$25,000 per pack
1), these batteries alone would increase the average annual residential electric bill from about
$1,322 to
and that's without taxes or installation costs. And because "...most of
that area is gonna be on rooftops" I would need to add the $73,000
3)/25 =
$2,934 per year annual cost of having solar installed on my roof to charge those battery packs. I would be paying annually
$5,861 per year, which is quadruple the average American electricity bill.
all of those calculations are assuming that the 160 million PowerPack
number has any bearing in reality, which it doesn't. As I showed
earlier, it could actually cost hundreds of thousands per household
(depending on latitude) to go off grid using these batteries.
can basically make all electricity generation in the world renewable
and primarily solar ...And then, going a little further, if you wanted
to transition all transport and all electricity generation and all
heating to renewable you need approximately 2 billion PowerPacks."
Veracity score = 1 out of 10.
that's one $25,000 PowerPack for every 3.5 people and never mind what
it will cost them to purchase the solar panels, inverters and on and on
as well. According to the
World Bank,
"Almost half the world — over three billion people — live on less than
$2.50 a day." Who is going to pay for all of these batteries, assuming
Tesla's estimate has any bearing in reality, which, as I said earlier,
it doesn't.
"Now that may seem like an insane number"
Veracity score = 10 out of 10.
number of cars and trucks that we have on the road is approximately 2
billion and every 20 years approximately that gets refreshed because of a
hundred million new cars and trucks made every year. So the point I
wanna make is that this is actually within the power of humanity to do.
We have done things like this before. And so, it's not impossible, it is
really something that we can do."
Veracity score = 2 out of 10.
asking everyone on the planet who can afford a car, to come up with
enough money to buy the equivalent of several more cars in addition to
the one they can afford, and again, this is assuming Tesla's estimate
has any bearing in reality, which, it doesn't.
"The fact that it's wall mounted is vital. Because it means you don't have to have a battery room."
Veracity score = 2 out of 10.
wall mounted may be vital to displaying a trophy, but certainly, it
could also sit on the floor in a closet somewhere, or in the case of the
Leaf home power system mentioned earlier, in your car.
panels and batteries, it's the only path that I know that can do this
and I think it is something that we must do and that we can do and will
Veracity score = 1 out of 10.
that virtually all grid storage today comes from pumped hydro,
obviously, selling billions of his batteries isn't the only path
(assuming that it even is a path). It all comes down to cost.
the issue with existing batteries is that they suck. They're really
horrible. They're expensive. They're unreliable. They're sort of stinky,
ugly, bad in every way, very expensive."
around my shop, I found ten power tool batteries (six of which power my
electric bicycle) and a dozen or so batteries in the rest of my home for
cell phones, cameras, laptops, etc, etc. Not a one of them fit his
above description. They are mostly lithium chemistry. He is referring to
lead acid batteries, which, other than for starting cars, have already
been replaced for pretty much every other application. They are still
used in cars because they are still the cheapest for that use
(intermittent bursts of high current with no deep discharge).
we have to come up with a solution. That's the missing piece, that's
the thing that's needed to have a proper transition to a sustainable
energy world."
Veracity score = 5 out of 10.
We don't yet have
an affordable
non-fossil fueled power source that can fill in the gaps for wind and
solar. We do have a non-fossil fueled power source that could do that if
it were cheaper than using fossil fuels--nuclear with hydro storage.
The whole key here is the word affordable, of which, his batteries are
"If you're thinking about buying a battery, what
does this provide you? Well, it gives you peace of mind so if there's a
cut in the utilities, you're always gonna have power. Now you don't have
to worry about being out of power if there's an ice storm."
Veracity score = 5 out of 10.
of these $3,500 battery packs (+ installation and inverter) = $6,000
can keep your lights on for part of a day in the event of a power
outage. But then, there are dozens of much less expensive ways to deal
with temporary occasional power outages.
"And very
importantly, this is gonna be a great solution for people in remote
parts of the world where there's no electricity wires. Or where the
electricity is extremely intermittent, or extremely expensive. So people
in a remote village or an island somewhere can take solar panels,
combine it with the Tesla PowerWall and never have to worry about
electricity lines."
Veracity score = 3 out of 10.
with batteries is already a solution of sorts for some of those people,
who live in sunny enough places. Will a modestly lower battery cost
than the lead acids they now use make much difference? Those
impoverished communities might be able to afford to keep the lights on
later at night, or watch television longer, but because this is such an
expensive means of producing energy compared to what we pay for energy
today (as demonstrated earlier in my post), it can't scale to create
economy-growing, industrial levels of energy.
"And in
fact I think what we'll see is something similar to what happened with
the cellphones verses landlines where the cellphones actually
leapfrogged landlines."
Veracity score = 5 out of 10.
is nothing new here. Solar with batteries are already being used in
these places. Replacing $150 worth of lead acids in a village with say,
$600) x $150 = $107 worth of lithium will not make much difference in their lives.
Average veracity score = 3.9.

- Hotel Greenwashed laundry card
is trying to create a market for its battery packs under the auspice of
saving the environment. It's a tried and true technique called
$100,000 Roadster and the $70,000 Model S were not conceived as a means
of saving the environment. The big battery makers will sell to anyone
they want, not just Tesla.
tens of thousands of orders for these packs are actually tens of
thousands of people curious about what happens when they click the
"order" button on the Tesla website. You are then asked to leave your
contact information (as I did) so they can get back to you in a year or
so to see if you really want to buy a pack when they have one to sell
(which I don't).
This "click a button to order" idea was used by
Nissan for the Leaf but you had to put a $90 deposit down to show that
you were serious.
Lithium batteries have already become
ubiquitous. Tesla has had nothing to do with that fact. As my
spreadsheets show, the PowerWalls have little practical use in a typical
American home, with or without solar, but, like the Hummer, or any big,
shiny, red truck that never hauls anything, this won't stop some people
from buying them. Tesla's current business model can be summed up as
selling expensive electric sports sedans to the wealthy. It's a niche
market that no big automaker has bothered to enter. Without a competitor
for market share, Tesla has been able to charge whatever it costs to
produce the car. The fact that I can purchase a Nissan battery pack for a
third to tw0-thirds less per unit energy than the PowerWalls suggests
that if a market for large battery packs emerges, Tesla will face real
competition for the first time.
Footnote 1):
$250/kWh x 100 kWh =
Footnote 2):
Interest on $25,000 loan for 14 years at 4% = $7,263
- 5000 cycles/365 cycles/year = 14 year battery lifespan.
- $25,000 + $7,263 = $32,263
- $32,263/14
year lifespan = $2,305 per year paid by every other American for those
320 million Americans/2 = 160 million batteries.
million PowerPacks is one for every other American. Assuming that the
cost is born not by every other American, but by all Americans, that
would equate to about $2,305 /2 = $1,152 per person. Using
2.54 persons per household leads to an annual bill per household of 2.54 x $1,152 =
$2,927. The average residential annual electric bill today is about
Footnote 3):
NREL solar cost estimator
Footnote 4)
Cost of a 21 kWh Nissan Leaf battery pack = $
Cost of two 10 kWh PowerWall battery packs connected in parallel for a total capacity of 20kWh~ 2 x $3,500 = $7,000.
Cost of three 7 kWh PowerWall battery packs connected in parallel for a total capacity of 21kWh ~ 3 x $3,000 = $9,000.
isn't an exact apples to apples comparison because the PowerWall also
contains a circuit board to control DC flows into and out of the pack
(just like any lithium power tool battery pack does).
Footnote 5)
Average American home uses 10,000 kWh per year.
10,000 kWh per year / 365 days per year = 27.4 kWh per day.
27.4 kWh per day / 7 kWh per battery pack = 3.9 battery packs per day
3.9 x 3 rainy days = 12 battery packs.
12 x $3,000 =
Footnote 6)