Consider this article to be a comment under David's
article which has no comment field.
Here's an idea, how about using the term non-fossil fuel energy instead of clean
I can see where this might cause readers to realize you're
including nuclear, and yes, I can see why antinuclear bloggers in sheep's
clothing might want to avoid doing that. At no point in this article does
Roberts say that nuclear is included in his definition of clean energy.
he identified as champions of clean
energy ... have broken with their party on a few climate or clean energy votes ... the House
guarantees inaction on climate and clean
energy ... incline the party against climate and clean energy ... it seems to me that clean energy solutions stand or fall together ... no form of clean energy will ever get the support
it needs ... part of a growing number of purple and red states with clean energy hubs ... Here is a rift
within the party on the subject of clean
energy ... Helpfully, the anti–clean
energy side is represented by Trump ... while the clean energy side is represented by a longtime, rock-ribbed
Republican ... and tying clean energy
opposition tightly to Donald Trump ... Conservative opinions on clean energy are still mutable ... this
is an opportunity to visibly signal that clean
energy support is perfectly consonant ... backs powerful incumbents against
clean energy challengers ... institutional
stance on climate and clean energy...
make mildly supportive noises about clean
It's not easy having an intelligent discussion when words
being used have no clear definition. Because readers all have different definitions
in their heads, they all walk away with a different interpretation of what has
been said, like with David's sixteen instances of the use of the term
"clean energy." Now, admittedly, everybody uses that term, so there's
safety in numbers. However, it's obvious when a strong nuclear advocate uses it
that they are including nuclear. When David uses it, renewable enthusiasts
assume he's excluding nuclear, nuclear enthusiasts suspect he may be including
it ...but maybe not.