Total Global GHG Emissions in Million Tonnes CO2 Abated by Wind and Solar |
As in my previous articles, consider this one as a
replacement for the missing comment field at Vox. Wind and solar (when not disrupting
or displacing intact ecosystems) have a place in our grid, as does nuclear. It's
only a matter of how big their respective roles will be.
Roberts found a poll that exposes how badly Americans have
been misinformed when it comes to the progress of wind and solar.
average American, at least according to this new survey from communications and
PR firm Makovsky, has it at 20 percent — 11 percent from solar, 9 percent from
is … quite wrong. In reality, solar is at 1 percent and wind is at 2 percent.
the average American thinks that in five years, solar will be at 20 percent and
wind will be at 14 percent.
US Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that in five years, solar
will still be at 1 percent and wind will have grown to a whopping 3.
I don't know where Dave got his numbers (he didn't provide a
link), but the 2016 BP statistical review has wind at 4.5% and solar at 0.9%
of U.S. electrical energy production for 2015, not that it matters. Could be he's talking about global values instead of U.S. values.
Coincidentally, James Conca just wrote a piece at Forbes
about a poll showing how Americans ranked nuclear power as the number 1
threat to safety way back in 1987.
Poll results from 1987 Study by Paul Slovic via James Conca at Forbes |
Graphic via James Conca at Forbes |
Both polls demonstrate how vulnerable the general public is
to misinformation.
Had David written a piece about the latest IEA renewable
energy outlook as I just did, he would very likely have simply passed along the
rosy image it projected, like he always has done.
A small percentage of people writing about energy have engineering
backgrounds which explains why so much of what we read on the internet
on this subject is gibber jabber. Below is a screenshot of an example of what
I'm talking about. It's an article from Nature World News about the same IEA report that I just wrote
Although the headline is true, it's highly misleading. The following pie chart is also true, but less misleading, with wind accounting for about 2 out of the 7 percentage points on the "others" wedge:
A lot of what the general public reads in papers, magazines,
on the internet, and hears on NPR, or Fox news, is misleading to say the least. Why they're so inaccurate
is a topic for a separate post, or possibly a book. At some level, the public
already knows this as the old joke "If it's in the paper, it must be true"
attests but that does not prevent false ideas from being implanted. This is
what marketing is all about and why we all drive different cars.
The next part of David's post serves as an example of his
lack of understanding of basic engineering principles. His comment about journalists not grasping "...the
difference between electricity and energy" is largely nonsensical.
see two things going on here.
a lot of people — including, lamentably, many journalists [David apparently
does not consider himself in that group] and policymakers — do not grasp the
difference between electricity and energy. (The former is a subset of the
Not sure what he is trying to say, but I think the following
graphic says it best:
You may have to click on the above chart to read it, but about 12.6 Quads of electrical energy was sold, 28.3 Quads of gas energy, 35.4 Quads of oil energy etc. What I think David was trying to say was that wind and solar impact only the 12.6 Quads of electrical energy sold.
hear about the success of wind and solar and they think "fossil
fuels" are being displaced. When they think fossil fuels, they think oil.
David presents no evidence to support this supposition but I
was once given a tee shirt with a picture of a wind turbine on the front along
with the words "Energy Independence!" We can present that as anecdotal
evidence that at least some people have confused the concept of oil imports
with the generation of electricity. But they also know that we make electricity
out of coal and natural gas.
wind and solar are only for electricity, so they only displace coal and natural
I may be nitpicking here, but wind and solar mostly replace
natural gas, which emits a lot less carbon than coal. They replace natural gas
because natural gas plants can ramp up and down as solar and wind output ramps
up and down. Coal has historically been primarily used for baseload. It's
output is mostly steady and does not change as wind and solar ramp up and down.
Wind and solar are essentially fuel savings devices for natural gas power
stations. Coal is being replaced mostly by natural gas.
So, in the end, wind and solar primarily reduce natural gas
fuel flows, not fossil fuels burned for heat, industry, and transport (which
account for about sixty something percent of fossil fuel consumption) and very little of the coal that
is used to make electricity. And if I got that interpretation of what David was trying to convey wrong, well, we'll
likely never know because David values his free time too much to use it
engaging in debate.
And watch for David's usual word switching between clean,
renewable, wind, and solar. He's really only talking about wind and solar here.
But he'll throw the word renewable in once in a while which includes hydro (which
isn't new and has little potential to grow) because it makes the bucket look
fuller. The word clean has no definition when David uses it so it is
relatively (literally?) meaningless. In my last article I asked the
IEA presenter for his definition of clean energy and it included nuclear.
success of clean [whatever that is] electricity has given the US public (and elites!) an exaggerated sense of the
success of clean [clean?] energy.
This sense of success of clean energy he speaks of, does it include
hydroelectric? No. He's only talking about wind and
solar here.
Wind and solar combined are only about 6% of the 40% of electricity
production (94% is not from wind or solar), or, put another way, they are only
2.4% (97.6% not from wind and solar) of total energy. The vast lion's share of decarbonization
is attributable to switching from coal to natural gas.
is somewhat unfortunate, as the battle to drive oil and gas out of the
transportation and heating sectors is going to be, if anything, more difficult
and contentious than the fight to get coal out of electricity.
I'd call that a bit of an understatement.
I think this reflects a real communications victory on the part of clean energy
industries and climate advocates. For years and years now, they’ve been
pounding on the message that renewable energy works, that it’s ready, that it’s getting
cheap, that it’s growing like crazy.
Amen brother! But we already know that renewable energy
works. David and I live in a city where over 90% of the electricity comes from
salmon destroying, ostensibly renewable, hydroelectric. Because hydro
is not getting cheaper or growing like crazy... he must be talking
about the less than 6% of renewable that
is the combination of wind and solar. So why didn't he just say that?
A public that thinks wind and solar together comprise
20% of electricity generation instead of less than 6%, might better be defined
as a case of false advertising than a communications victory.
David's exhortations are an example of why so many people
are comfortable throwing nuclear energy out of the mix. They've been convinced
that we won't need it.
that stuff often enough and people will get the idea that fossil fuels are
hanging on for dear life — that solar power’s total triumph is nigh.
question is whether it’s a good thing, on balance, for Americans to
overestimate wind and solar.
It's clearly a bad thing in that it has gone a long way to
convince many that nuclear won't be needed.
one hand, nothing succeeds like success.
By success does he mean successfully duping the public, or is
he calling the fact that less than 6% of our electricity comes from the combined total of wind and
solar a success?
more people believe renewable energy is real and viable today, the more they’ll
be inclined to support and invest in it
...but that tactic also works for selling snake oil. That
word "believe" belongs in our churches and political debates, not in
our energy debates. This mindset that the truth is irrelevant is often referred
to as the end justifying the means, which is standard operating procedure in
politics, but will never find the right answer to science and engineering
problems, which is what we actually have here. Pundits and politicians can't, and shouldn't, be allowed to design our low carbon grids.
perception of momentum is arguably key to creating momentum.
...said one sheep to the other as they went over the cliff.
the other hand, an overly triumphalist narrative obscures the difficulty and sheer quantity of decarbonization work ahead. It could dampen the sense of
urgency that is still very much needed.
Riiiight ...sense of urgency. To reduce emissions or fulfill an environmentalist dream of a world powered by wind and solar? Sixty percent of our low carbon
energy comes from nuclear yet David has never written a pronuclear article in
his entire career. Competition from dirt cheap natural gas is threatening to
close some of them. Doesn't worry him at all.
thing’s for sure, whoever’s responsibility for the hype on wind and solar
outrunning the reality, it’s not green groups. They barely register...
we know that online news sources like Vox provide only the most sober and
judicious coverage of these issues, it seems we can blame this, like so much
else, on television.
Riiiight ...television.
Where do the television writers get
their information? Hint ...the internet. Where are the articles David has written
hyping wind and solar for the last decade located? Hint
...the internet.
Because VOX isn't interested in promoting public discussion of their content under that content in comment fields, feel free to click on this link to see other articles where I peer review some of David's articles.
Because VOX isn't interested in promoting public discussion of their content under that content in comment fields, feel free to click on this link to see other articles where I peer review some of David's articles.
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